Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, July 2020 issue: On the nose – For many Australians, the 'clean' claims of fragrance-laden products in the home are not to be sniffed at

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, February 2020 issue: Shelf Confidence – Overhauling your pantry could be the first step towards a better diet

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, December 2019 issue: Hands up – Volunteering makes you and those around you feel good – and comes with some compelling health benefits too

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, July 2019 issue: Good Move – New research has revealed another reason to make exercise a habit: it benefits your inner ecosystem too

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, June 2019 issue: Air Supply – Purifiers and humidifiers can freshen the air at home but may not benefit everyone who goes with the flow

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, May 2019 issue: Rest Assured – Adequate sleep is proving to be one of the key ways to lower risk of dimentia

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, January 2019 issue: Bitter Pill – It may be nice to think that swallowing a tablet can boost your health but it's not that simple

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, November 2018 issue: Body of Evidence – Planning a new, improved you can start with just a few evidence-based wellness hacks.

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, October 2018 issue: Bodes well – Scientists and researchers are working hard to create a healthier tomorrow

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, September 2018: Sniff test – Science is hot on the scent of links between wellbeing and the power of smell

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, August 2018: Hands on – Studies have shown that massage therapy can hold its own as an effective health treatment for many conditions

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, July 2018 issue: Sweet switch – Refined sugar is almost impossible to avoid, but we should all learn to love it less

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, June 2018 issue: Be on the lookout for loud situations and proceed with caution to protect your ears

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, May 2018 issue: Look sharp – A healthy diet and sensible habits are simple ways to help protect your eyes

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, April 2018 issue: Strength of Mind – Exercise is proving to be as good for mind and mood as it is for your body

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, February 2018 issue: Dry Run – We often hear that a glass of wine is good for you, but the truth is that your body benefits when you lose the booze

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, January 2018 issue: Rub it in – Know what's in your sunscreen and be sure to place as much importance on quantity as quality

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, December 2017 issue: Slowly Does it – If the festive season leaves you frazzled, it's time to lighten your load

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, September 2017 issue: Paws for effect – Science is just beginning to understand the ways in which pets can boost humans' wellbeing

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, August 2017 issue: Step it up – Walking is great exercise, but plug into more taxing hikes and you'll really start to reap the health benefits

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, July 2017 issue: Gut Reaction – Prebiotics and probiotics are heavy lifters, helping to keep us healthy and disease free.

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, June 2017 issue: Going Viral – Flu season is here and everyone, no matter how healthy, is at risk of infection. Arm yourself with a vaccination

Editorial illustration for Australian House & Garden Magazine, May 2017 issue: Standing Order – Fitting more movement into the day is vital for desk-bound workers' wellbeing

Fat Chance – We're often given conflicting advice about which types of fat to incorporate into our diet.

It's vital to scrutinise property contracts carefully before you sign.

Removing all risks doesn't keep children safe.

Off the radar – The risk and opportunity of an off-market home sale